Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New Year prayer

Lord, as the New Year approaches, may we turn our hearts toward you. All around the world, people are considering resolutions, fresh starts, new ideas. Lord, may your children seek you more intimately this year, more faithfully, more concertedly. May we strive to walk in the abundant life you have for us (John 10:10), embrace the grace you lavish on us (Ephesians 1:4-6, 2 Corinthians 12:9), and both discern and pursue the purposes you intend for us (1 Peter 4:10-11, Jeremiah 29:11). Please humble, forgive, guide, and draw us close to you in 2015. In Jesus’ precious name we pray, amen. 

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Prayer for Billy Graham's continued ministry

Lord, today we bring your servant Billy Graham before you. Earlier this month, his son requested prayer for him, and we do not want to quickly forget Billy. Please strengthen him as he continues to write for your glory, even with his advanced age and physical weakness. Bring just the right people at just the right time to assist him. We praise you and thank you for using this simple man to share the Gospel with literally millions of people through the decades. Please continue to use him in this way until his very last day on earth. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen. 

Monday, December 29, 2014

Prayer as AirAsia Flight 8501 is likely to have crashed

Lord, we do not always receive the news we long for. We do not always receive the answers we hope for. This morning, we pray for the loved ones of those likely lost on AirAsia Flight 8501. As they grieve, comfort their hearts in those deep places reserved for the most painful losses. Help them to learn to trust in you. Lead friends and neighbors to circle around them and meet their needs during this tragic time. And either bring answers or the type of peace that allows them to move forward in the natural grieving process in the healthiest way possible. We ask in Jesus’ name, amen. 

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Prayer for AirAsia Flight 8501

Lord, this morning our hearts ache for those aboard AirAsia Flight 8501. We are concerned not only for them, but for all their loved ones awaiting news. Lord, cast your special peace over all involved. Keep panic at bay. Grant special insight and intuition to those searching for this plane. Remove bad weather, provide clear visibility, and sustain the searchers with hope. May energy be focused on the search, rather than on premature speculation and blame-casting. Lord, please bless this search operation. We ask in Jesus’ name, amen. 

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Prayer for captured Nigerian girls

270 girls were abducted by Boko Haram in Nigeria earlier this year. Over 200 are still missing. Lord, our hearts are broken about these girls. We know they are experiencing unspeakable horrors. Lord, send angels to minister to them in miraculous ways. In the midst of this atrocious situation, help these girls still know you are good. Close their eyes and ears when they must be closed. Protect their young minds and bodies from damage that will last a lifetime. May they help each other, never lose hope, always keep praying. And may rescuers find them! May their captors’ hearts be softened. May at least one man among Boko Haram experience heart-change and then help these girls slip away, one by one or two by two. Let these girls know they are not forgotten—by us or by you. In Jesus’ powerful name we pray, amen. 

Friday, December 26, 2014

Prayer for 1st Lt. Mu'ath al-Kaseasbeh, being held by ISIS

Lord, it can feel so overwhelming to pray about evil groups like ISIS. Our prayers feel so small against such an ugly force. Yet the battle in the heavenlies is unseen (Ephesians 6:10-18), and we do play a part, even though we do not always know the power of our words (Daniel 10). And you are so much bigger and stronger than ISIS. Today, we pray for 1st Lt. Mu'ath al-Kaseasbeh, who is being held by the Islamic State group in Syria. Lord, reveal yourself to him. We ask you to protect him and move his captors to release him, acknowledging that we pray with only a mustard seed of faith (Matthew 17:20). Somehow, Lord, glorify yourself in this situation. We trust you, even in the face of evil in the world. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.

The story behind these prayer posts is here:

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas Eve prayer

Lord, our hearts are full today. Christmas Eve is finally here! Lord, all around the world, may hearts be tender toward you today. Prepare our hearts for the holiness of this day, this evening. May we find at least one moment of awe as the significance of Christ’s coming sinks into our hearts and minds. Jesus came to bring salvation to all humankind! Let us celebrate this sacred gift in a way that colors all our celebrations in coming days. In the name of the Christ child we pray, amen. 

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Prayer for Operation Christmas Child deliveries

Lord, as Operation Christmas Child boxes are delivered around the world, we ask your richest blessing on the entire process. Please protect and guide those traveling to deliver the boxes, and may your love emanate from them. May each box provide joy to its recipient. May children’s longings be fulfilled as they receive items even “better” than they imagined. May some children even receive the items they dreamed they would never have, yet always wanted. Please use this joyful experience to reach deep places in these children’s hearts, so they will sense your love and care for them and be drawn to know you more, including through “The Greatest Journey” discipleship course. May thousands of children come to know you through the program this year, and please bless the givers who reached out to children in this way. In Jesus’ precious name we pray, amen. 

Monday, December 22, 2014

Prayer in the continuing aftermath of Ferguson and Eric Garner

Lord, we grieve over the deaths of Eric Garner and Michael Brown. We grieve over the deaths of Officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu. We pray for peace. Lord, intervene in America in the midst of this conflict. Calm aching, angry hearts. Protect both law enforcement officers and protesters from those who would harm them. Bring justice. Soothe grieving widows, parents and children. Bring them the relief only you can provide in the midst of the worst kind of anguish. Lord, may we not pretend to have answers we do not have. May we not cast stones or fan flames. Reveal our own hearts to us, so we may be messengers of your hope. Let us each set an example of your peace through your mighty power. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Prayer for needy children

Lord, in your Word [Lamentations 2:19] you say, “Arise, cry out in the night, as the watches of the night begin; pour out your heart like water in the presence of the Lord. Lift up your hands to him for the lives of your children, who faint from hunger at the head of every street.” Heavenly Father, we could be overwhelmed by the needs of so many children around the world—children who are hungry, hurting, neglected and abused. Lord, you see them! Help us to see them too. Keep our eyes attuned to the needs of children around us. May we reach out to those in our neighborhoods, and may we reach out to others around the world through prayer and perhaps organizations that work on behalf of children. May we follow Jesus’ example in encouraging the children to come to Him. In His precious name we pray, amen. 

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Prayer for those suffering from obstetric fistulas

Lord, today we pray for the hundreds of thousands of women in developing countries suffering from obstetric fistulas [learn more here:]. We ask that you heal them not only from their great physical trauma, but also from the deep emotional trauma stemming from both the injury and the loss of their babies. Lord, help communities stop ostracizing these women and, instead, to reach out with compassion. May someone share with these women their intrinsic value as your precious children. Bless the work of the Worldwide Fistula Fund and others who provide medical care and healing for these women. And may many people learn of these organizations’ work so donors will provide funds for the surgeries that will help these broken women return to a more normal life. In Jesus’ name, amen. 

Friday, December 19, 2014

Prayers for North Korea

Lord, our thoughts turn to North Korea today as its government’s cyber activities receive news coverage. We are grieved for the treatment of our brothers and sisters in Christ in North Korea. We know you see their plight and share their pain. Lord, please bring them light in their darkest hours. Give them complete confidence in the resurrection to come. May their hope for eternity undergird their conviction for the present. And we pray for a miraculous transformation of Kim Jong Un’s heart, so that he can lead his people in freedom and truth, rather than with a heavy, dictatorial hand. In Christ’s name we pray. Amen. 

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Prayer for persecuted pastors

Lord, today we bring before you pastor-shepherds in the places of the world where these leaders risk their well-being each day to shepherd your flock. Please guide their every step. Please fill them with the peace that passes understanding. May their boldness inspire the disciples you have entrusted to their care. Protect them—spiritually, physically, financially, etc.,--as well as their families. May their spouses and children share a sense of unity in this calling. And may they receive refreshment and instruction from your Word each day. In Jesus’ name, amen. 

Prayer for people in hospitals at Christmastime

Today, Lord, we pray for people facing the prospect of spending Christmas in the hospital. We pray for parents watching their children slowly slip away (and vice versa), despite Christmas pictures taped to the wall and carols playing in the background. We pray for friends and strangers alike to remember the single people and families confined to hospital beds and facing hospital menus instead of family feasts. Send angels to administer comfort. Send disciples clothed in hospital garb to share words of peace. Fill these patients and their loved ones with the HOPE found in the Christ child. In Jesus' name, Amen.   

Note: If you're wondering what inspired posting this prayer, visit this brief post: 

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Praying to change the world

Bryan Loritts challenging us in our prayer lives. 

"If God answered all your prayers, would the world change, or just your world?" 

I was jotting down many notes during the powerful message on prayer Bryan Loritts was delivering to our audience of camping ministry professionals. Quotes like: 

"The prayerless person is the functional atheist who keeps his eyes on this world, not the one to come." 

"Fundamentally, prayer is much more than petition. Fundamentally, prayer is experiencing and encounter." 

"Prayer is oftentimes more about the journey than the destination." 

and several more. 

But the question about changing my world versus changing the world gripped me. 

My prayer life is very much about providing a platform for God to glorify Himself. I faithfully pray for many people and situations. Yet even my treasured copy of Operation World ( has been collecting dust in recent months. 

I had to face it: I could definitely pray more for the bigger, wider world on a more consistent basis.

The wheels in my mind started turning: back to Operation World? Subscribe to some sort of simple, world-focused prayer list? Was there such a thing? There must be...

Then the idea came to me:  I can do that. I can create a simple, world-focused prayer list. 

How many people want to pray for the world on a daily basis, but don't have the discipline to create structure for it? How many are overwhelmed by a 978-page volume like Operation World

I'll write one simple prayer each day, and that can be the starting point for anyone who wants to change THE world, rather than simply THEIR world. 

I will continue to blog about other things as I have opportunity, but I'd like to attempt regular, simple prayers for needs around the world. If you'd like to join me in changing the world through prayer, subscribe to my blog on the upper-right corner of this page, and you will receive the prayers via email daily. (Or you can revisit this page, of course.) 

The prayers will be simple, but the God who hears is in the business of moving mountains. May He magnify Himself as we pray together.