Saturday, September 12, 2015

Prayer against Sex Trafficking

Lord, please open our eyes. Help us learn the signs of sex trafficking, so we can intervene when people in our lives are endangered. May we educate our children to be careful in all of their relationships—including potential ones. May our young people be attuned to the Holy Spirit when He says, “Stay away.” May they find their identities in You so they are not easily led astray toward finding their identity in something else. Give all of us a strong desire to be holy so we do not allow pornography or anything sexually perverse to take hold of our minds and hearts. May we long for intimacy with You so fiercely that we avoid impurity on every level. May we never become consumers of products that harm others. We pray for better laws, relentless investigation and effective law enforcement. Please overwhelm predators with deep conviction, helping them understand that they are not satisfying their own temporal desires, but destroying the innocent. Please show us our part to play in the battle against trafficking, whether it’s prayer, giving, advocating, healing, educating, prosecuting or all of the above. In Jesus’ powerful name, we pray, amen. 

Friday, September 11, 2015

A prayer on 9/11

Lord, today is a somber day for Americans. We remember the deaths of almost 3000 people—those who passed violently 14 years ago on this day. We remember seeing the best and worst of humanity contrasted sharply, side by side. We recall the fear and helplessness, the anger, and the repentance. And many of us still evoke the grief. Lord, may today not be only a day for sorrow, but a day for hope. May we humble ourselves, pray, seek Your face and turn from our wicked ways. May we reach out to those who suffer the long-lasting effects of the physical and emotional trauma from that day. May we reach out to our neighbors in love and service, inspired by those who risked everything 14 years ago this day. And may America desire to lead this world in goodness and grace, humility and strength. May we do what it takes personally and corporately to bless the world. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.