Saturday, January 17, 2015

Continuing to pray for world-change
This journey of praying to change the world (see has been a worthwhile one. Since December 17, 2014, I have created a daily prayer post for a need around the world that will impact those well beyond my immediate circle of influence. I have been surprised by the response. 

Friends and family members from around the country have noted how they have appreciated the posts--people I hardly ever hear from, as well as people I see weekly. 

A relative in Minnesota wrote, “It helps me to focus outside of my own little world,” which is exactly the point (or one of them, anyway)! Thank You, Jesus, and amen! 

At this point, I will no longer be posting daily prayers. Instead, I refer people to a similar email list provided here: I will be subscribing to that email list myself. 

I will post prayers occasionally for needs that arise around our world (along with my other posts). 

My biggest encouragement is for you to pray to change the world every day however suits you best. Revisit the prayers I posted, use the prayer list I mentioned above, buy a copy of Operation World, or just do what I did: pay attention to what's happening around you. When you read the news, consider and pray concerning the implications surrounding what you're reading. Ask your friends to join you. 

Praying to change the world is a lifelong journey, and I don't plan to get out of the habit. 

Thanks for reading. And, much more important: thanks for praying. 

Friday, January 16, 2015

Prayer for the ministry of Compassion International

Lord, today we praise you for the work of Compassion International. We rejoice that 122,588 mothers and children responded to the Gospel over the past year! One million four hundred thousand children sponsored, 6,500 church partners around the world… there is so much to celebrate! Father, please continue to lavish your blessing on this ministry. We pray that people will rise up around the world to sponsor the 3,345 children who are awaiting help. We pray that current sponsors will send their children the letters they so anxiously await—letters filled with encouragement, Scripture and love. We pray for the various projects to be fruitful and safe places, where the leaders are able to not only effectively minister to the sponsored children, but also to their families. And may the local projects model the love of Christ to their broader communities. Thank you, Lord, for the ministry of Compassion International and others who serve children in this way. We thank you in Jesus’ name, amen. 

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Prayer for Franklin Graham’s upcoming ministry trip
Lord, soon your servant Franklin Graham is leaving for Myanmar, Cambodia and Vietnam. Father, we ask for safe travel, for protection everywhere he goes, and for your guidance each step of the way. Please bless the ministry of Samaritan’s Purse, which Graham leads. May this organization continue to share your Good News with people in these countries (and elsewhere around the world) as they meet physical needs and do relief work. Lord, we pray specifically for Graham to bring deep encouragement to the church leaders in Myanmar, where there is so much persecution, as well as human rights abuses. Lord, we pray for the ministry of Samaritan’s Purse in Cambodia and Vietnam, including their work against human trafficking. May the ministry be blessed, unhindered, effective, protected. May victims of human trafficking become victors within your Kingdom. We pray in Jesus’ name, amen.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Prayer against ISIS using children as soldiers

photo credit: Bare Naked Islam.
Lord, we do not know if the recently released video is real, but we do have reason to believe ISIS is using children to assist in their acts of terror. Lord, we fervently pray against this evil. Again we ask that you disrupt the wicked plans of ISIS. Please cause disunity within their ranks. Open individuals’ eyes to the truth of what they are doing. May they start to see the humanity of the men and women of all ages that they are harming. Today we specifically pray that the older ISIS members would recognize how terrible it is to raise children for these purposes. May they be alarmed by the changes they see in the character of these young ones. For the children, Lord, we ask for rescue. We ask for healing, restoration, and rehabilitation. And may the gatekeepers to these children no longer allow these precious young lives to be dedicated to evil. We plead in Jesus’ name, amen. 

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Prayer for National Mentoring Month

Lord, as we celebrate National Mentoring Month ( we rejoice in how you have arranged your body, the Church. Thank you for setting us up to be in relationship. Thank you for exhorting the older to instruct the younger (Titus 2). Thank you for providing so many examples in Scripture that demonstrate how you use us—despite our weaknesses—in the lives of others. Thank you for empowering us to pass on what we have learned to others. Lord, we pray for mentors (formal and informal) around the world to be effective in their ministry. We pray that their love for those they invest in will have a lasting impact for your Kingdom on not only their mentees, but also on the people their mentees influence. We pray that their example will inspire people who have balked at taking time to invest in others one-on-one. Show us whom to mentor. Show us whom we should ask to mentor us. May we love each other as you want us to, that the world may see you in us (John 13:34,35). In Jesus’ name we pray, amen. 

Monday, January 12, 2015

Prayer for Hollywood
Lord, as entertainment awards season is upon us, we turn our prayers toward Hollywood. Lord, each and every day, thousands of people are at work producing entertainment for the masses in that one community alone. Much is beautiful; much is destructive. Lord, please make your presence known in Hollywood. We pray for those who know you to serve you with excellence (1 Peter 4:10-11). Give them wisdom each day to make choices that honor you. Give them courage and effectiveness as they share you with those around them and through their work. We pray for new Christians like Shia LaBeouf to find others to guide and encourage them, and for the roots of their faith to go deep and remain strong. We pray for high-quality films that will point people to you in powerful ways. We pray for those who do not know you to meet you. May we not be quick to criticize what we see and hear about this place, but may we be quick to pray--because even the most camera-hungry starlet is made in your image and fiercely loved by you. In Jesus’ gracious name we pray, amen.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Praise for unity in France

Lord, we rejoice in seeing the unity demonstrated today in France. Thank you that people joined together, that they did not bow to terror. Thank you that men and women of different nations expressed solidarity around the globe. Lord, we rejoice when we see people rise up with good and strength in response to tragedy. We pray that the memory of this solidarity will not fade as life goes on. We pray that the French will continue to live with courage and unity, despite what obstacles may arise. We pray against the work of terrorists, and ask that they recognize that terror never wins. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen. 

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Prayer for peace and wisdom in western Mexico

Lord, today we pray for Michoacan. There were signs of progress and victory in this part of Mexico, but violence has erupted again. Please be not only with President Enrique Pena Nieto, but local officials, as they seek wisdom for how to manage such a chaotic and inflammatory situation. Prompt them to seek guidance from you, so they can govern with Solomonic wisdom. Lord, please disrupt the work of the drug cartel. Protect citizens and help them to not live in fear, but to develop deeply rooted faith in you. May this region indeed become a bastion of hope, rather than a hotbed for violence and dissension. We ask in Jesus’ name, amen. 

Friday, January 9, 2015

A prayer for parents of teens

Lord, what a privilege to raise these children you have entrusted to us. Those we once cradled in our arms now surpass us in height. Lord, they strain to become men and women. They yearn for independence, yet still linger in our presence. Please grant us the grace and wisdom only you can provide in order for us to disciple these young people well. Give us an extra measure of patience when needed, and special insights into their hearts when they would have us believe they are stronger than they are. Lord, guard them. Woo them. Help them to know peace and security. Help them submit to their authorities, knowing you are their ultimate Guide. And knit our hearts together even as we begin the process of letting go. They are yours, and we are yours. We beseech you in Jesus’ name, amen. 

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Prayer for Christian camping around the world

photo by Gopal Mukhia
Lord, so many of us have experienced your power through Christian camping. You have reached innumerable lives through this type of ministry. There is something about leaving our regular routine to meet with you in a quieter, undistracted place, where the focus is on knowing you more. Lord, today we pray for Christian camping around the world, including for the ministry of Christian Camping International Worldwide ( We pray for their Excelsior initiative, which is planting and strengthening Christian camping associations around the world. May their initiative be successful, fruitful, and completely Christ-centered. May thousands more young people be reached with your Gospel through these ministries around the globe. Provide for the camps’ financial and material needs. Protect from harm. Direct godly people to serve both year-round and for the peak season. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen. 

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Prayer about terrorist attack in Paris
Lord, we are sad to live in a time of terror. We are dismayed by what happened in Paris today. Bring comfort to the many who are hurting. Bring peace and courage to the city, rather than fear. Thank you, Lord, that the police have identified the suspects. We pray that law enforcement officers will have success as they seek to capture these professional assassins, even as night falls. Please help their efforts be coordinated, well-executed and brave. Lord, we grieve over the loss of life—both those who were specifically targeted and others who were killed as collateral damage. We do not necessarily rejoice over what these four cartoonists produced, but we do rejoice that they did not live their lives in fear. Heavenly Father, keep us from living in fear, regardless of what others threaten to do to us. May we live with our faith and trust in you. May we pursue your purposes for our lives, regardless of what dangers we may perceive. In Jesus’ powerful name we pray, amen. 

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Prayer for Mar Elia center for displaced Iraqi Christian families
Lord, we remember our Iraqi brothers and sisters who were displaced by ISIS. We continue to grieve with them. Today we specifically pray for Mar Elia Chaldean Catholic Church’s center for displaced Iraqi Christian families. Lord, thank you for Father Daniel Alkhory and those who work with him to meet the needs of these families, most notably the children. Please grant these servant-leaders protection and success as they educate, comfort, and provide shelter to hundreds of families. Give them wisdom as they seek to model Christlikeness and help children understand how and why to forgive their enemies. Create a sense of community and hope in this place. And bring the tremendous healing that needs to occur in the hearts and minds of these hurting ones. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Prayer for Sailor Gutzler
Lord, we praise you that Sailor Gutzler not only survived her family’s plane crash, but that she was able to walk so far with such thin clothing and no shoes. Thank you for leading her to efficiently find help. Lord, we are thankful for these things, but grieved for what 7-year-old Sailor experienced. Though no serious physical harm came to her, we are concerned about her emotional scars. Please bring the right people around Sailor to help her process this traumatic event and the loss of her family. Replace the terrible images of her dead parents and sister with fond memories of those who loved her. Guide whoever chooses her future caregivers to make the right decisions with efficient timing. And please walk closely with Sailor through the many years it will likely take for her to recover from this event. Thank you for being good, even in the midst of tragedy. Help Sailor to develop a deep conviction of this as she grows. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Prayer for newly appointed cardinals
Heavenly Father, today we pray for the 15 new cardinals appointed by Pope Francis. Lord, we pray that you would consume the hearts and souls of these men. May they direct those under their care to you every day of their lives. May every act of service be done with the intent of pointing people to your Son Jesus Christ. We pray with our Catholic brothers that they will accomplish their goal of rooting out corruption within their church. May you be glorified through them, and may your Kingdom be expanded because of them. We humbly ask in Jesus’ name, amen. 

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Prayer against ISIS indoctrinating young mothers

Lord, we are disturbed to hear about the strategy ISIS is using to target young mothers. Father, we first pray against the wicked work of ISIS. We pray for confusion among them, lack of resources, and—most of all—truth to be revealed to individuals so they will recognize the evil they are perpetuating. Next, Lord, we pray specifically against their marketing campaign toward young mothers. May these women not be enticed by the promise of becoming elite or more attractive. May their hearts as nurturers win out over temporal desires. May they clearly understand that raising their children to be jihadists is wrong and destructive. May someone bring them words of LIFE, so they find their satisfaction in you and raise their children to do the same. In Jesus’ powerful name we pray, amen. 

Friday, January 2, 2015

Prayer for those grieving the loss of loved ones on AirAsia Flight 8501

Lord, though AirAsia Flight 8501 was found, our thoughts and prayers are not far from those who grieve. So many lives lost! So many people grieving! Such unimaginable pain! Lord, thank you for seeing them all. Thank you for loving them all. In your Word you promise a peace that passes understanding (Philippians 4:6,7). Lord, the loved ones left behind need that peace—a peace that guards their hearts and their minds even when it doesn’t make sense. Lord, help them experience that peace in the midst of their despair. Help them to sleep when needed, despite the negative thoughts and images that plague their minds. Grant them special patience as they await closure for their specific loved ones. Bless the searchers with efficiency and tenacity, despite negative conditions. And bring your people as beacons of light in the midst of these crowds and clusters of heartbroken loved ones. We pray in Jesus’ mighty name, amen.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Prayer for South Sudan and its coming elections

Lord, South Sudan is such a young nation. There has been so much violence in its history—both leading to its creation and since its birth. Lord, we are thankful this nation is moving toward general elections this spring. Thank you that improving stability gives South Sudanese that confidence. We pray that, as the election approaches, the stability and growth would continue, rather than deteriorate. We pray for integrity among all those involved—both as candidates and those managing the actual political process. We pray for the people of South Sudan to choose honorable leaders and begin to develop into a God-fearing, stable nation. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.