Friday, February 21, 2014

A random act of provision

This morning my Bible study friends and I were wrapping up our breakfast meeting when we noticed that normally efficient Ella (our waitress) had not yet brought us our checks. “She’ll meet us at the register,” Jeanette speculated as we left our seats and headed toward the exit.

Sure enough, the three of us lined up by the register and Ella quickly approached. She seemed a bit at a loss for words.

“Ladies, someone took care of your check today,” she said.

We looked at each other in surprise.

“I don’t know if you know her or anything, but she said that I should tell you, ‘Jesus loves you,’” Ella explained.

We looked at each other with incredulous grins on our faces. “Wow! A random act of kindness for us?!” We were beaming—and quite thankful. “What a blessing!”

As we headed toward our vehicles, Jen and I said almost simultaneously, “Now to pay it forward!”

I thought that was the end of my little tale of random acts of kindness, but then I went home, where I picked up my copy of The 30-Day Praise Challenge by Becky Harling. Today’s journal question: “In what ways have you tangibly experienced the love of God?”

I laughed aloud. “OK, I get it,” I thought, remembering back to my mysterious breakfast provider and her message to us. “Jesus loves me!”

Sometimes He communicates the message pretty clearly! 

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