Monday, February 23, 2015

What ISIS reveals to us

The recent images have been haunting and extremely disturbing:

A young man caged like a beast, about to face a fiery death.

A row of young men on their knees, looking up with a mix of uncertainty, fear and courage—their executioners lined up behind them.

When I learned about Muadh al-Kasasbeh's gruesome death, I was deeply troubled. What could possibly motivate human beings to so callously discount, torture and destroy another person?

Al-Kasasbeh was a son, a husband, a friend, and a man with a bright future.

Why snuff out his life in such a revolting way?

We who don't live in the Middle East might feel pain or fear when we see these images, but we may also feel a little safe being this far away. These martyrs look different from most of us, speak a different language, live close to their enemies.

But this thing I know: we may not live near ISIS, but we are no safer than Al-Kasasbeh.

We might not be as likely (yet) to be dragged from our comfortable homes and workplaces to undignified deaths.

But the evil that compels ISIS is real and has a name: Satan. Satan is the one who can so deceive men that they believe torture and rape are noble and right.

And Satan is not only the enemy of our non-Middle Eastern souls, he is the father of sin, and sin is quite readily available in each of our lives (see Genesis 4:7).

So if there is one thing ISIS has reminded me, it is this: “Do not swerve to the right or the left; keep your foot from evil” (Proverbs 4:27). Because, although sin might look "prettier" in our comfortable, complacent cultures and churches, it is from the same source that fathered ISIS and its barbaric practices. It has come to steal, kill and destroy (see John 10:10), and it will continue to do so unless we--through Christ alone--stop it.

So, hate sin with me, and love Jesus. Forsake fleshly desires and choose righteous ones. Pray on your knees against ISIS and the dark forces in the heavenlies (see Ephesians 6:10-18), and teach your friends and your children that the way we live matters. 

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